| HOT NEWS | Liberalism-21C
Nagatacho Tsurezuregusa Dialy
WOKE UP IN THE MORNING, FEELING REFRESHEDThese past several days, I have only been able to sleep a few hours every night, but last night I went to bed shortly after midnight - earlier than usual - and woke up this morning feeling refreshed. Yesterday afternoon at four-thirty, I visited the Office of the LDP Secretary General to submit my Letter of Resignation. I wanted to hand the letter directly to Secretary General Koga, but unfortunately, he was in the middle of the Question-and-Answer Session of the Diet and could not be interrupted, as Mr. Kanzaki of Komeito was questioning him. So I handed my Letter of Resignation to Deputy Secretary General Nita instead. In this way, my resignation was formally received by the LDP. Let me tell you about my resignation from the LDP. First, here is a translation of my Letter of Resignation - the kind of letter that one is unlikely to write more than once or twice in ones life: Letter of ResignationLetter of Resignation Believing in the principles of liberalism, I joined the Liberal Democratic Party in 1977 and have been devoting myself ever since to the development of the LDP. However, a series of actions taken recently by the LDP - notably the coalition with New Komeito, the tactics pursued in the 2000 General Election, and the reprehensible actions taken against former LDP Secretary General Koichi Kato - demonstrate that the LDP no longer has the policies or will to maintain its self-respect and independence, and that the LDP has failed to abide by the principles of liberalism required of a party that aims to work for the benefit of all nations. As a faithful member of the Liberal Democratic Party, I can neither condone nor endure these activities of the LDP, which violate my beliefs and principles. I therefore hereby resign from the Liberal Democratic Party.
February 4, 2001 Katsuhiko Shirakawa, LDP
Member TO: Liberal Democratic Party President Yoshiki Mori Naturally I thought I would feel some strong emotion upon leaving the Party, since I had been working with the Party for over twenty-four years. However, leaving proved as simple and ordinary as any other procedure. I had carefully thought about the resignation for months beforehand, so when I finally resigned, I did not have a single regret. Besides, it was the way the LDP and the Kochikai members had treated former Secretary General Kato that finally convinced me to leave the Party. Todays LDP behaves as if it were bent on torturing and lynching anyone it considers a traitor. In fact, it was torture for me to belong to that kind of party. Over the past two days, I have received many e-mails supporting and encouraging me in my decision. To my regret, I have been so busy that I have not had even a minute to respond. Nevertheless, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for every e-mail I have received. I appreciate and welcome any comment, word of advice, or request regarding my plan to found a new party, and I very much look forward to hearing from you! The new partys Tokyo office has just opened at the following address:
The office is not yet fully staffed up or completely operational, so please forgive us for any inconvenience you may experience in trying to contact us. I would like to take full advantage of volunteers and Internet technology in order to play an active role in the new politics of the twenty-first century. I believe these tools are necessary to create a new political structure. I appreciate your understanding and ask for your full support. VOLUNTEER STAFF WANTEDVolunteers are wanted to help with office work. Come work together with us to create a new kind of politics for a new century!
If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail. Then we can meet to discuss the details. Your help is most appreciated. Now I must leave for my next appointment. I will keep the readers of my Web pages informed of our progress toward creating a new party and the partys activities. I commit myself to creating a new form of politics for the new century. It is a challenge - a challenge I am enjoying. Your support and cooperation are most welcome. 7:15 a.m., February 6, 2001
Katsuhiko Shirakawa Office
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